Posts Tagged ‘Media’

Yup it’s another Vlog. As per usual I strayed from my main topic, but I still think it’s worth the watch!

This is the link to the Cheerios commercial that has people in a tizzy Check it out and let me know how you feel about it.

This is the link to my vlog where I discuss my feelings towards to commercial and all the hate it has received also let me know how you feel about it.

Peace and Love guys

Spread it!!!


I want to clarify that in this blog entry when I refer to “us/we” I’m referring to the global population. This article is not meant to pinpoint any specific country, culture or region. 

There has been much talk lately about gun violence not just in North America but globally. You have some countries claiming their laws inhibit such violence, while others seemingly encourage it. I believe neither of these statements are true, lets face it, guns are like drugs. No matter what laws are put in place, if people want it that bad they will find away to get it.

During these recent discussions there has also been talk about violence displayed in video games, in television and movies, suggesting that maybe this display of aggression is somehow encouraging people to use violence. I’m going to be perfectly honest with you, THAT IS A LOAD OF CRAP!!! The violence in these forms of entertainment come from the violence we display in our everyday lives not the other way around. People aren’t violent because of video games, people are violent because the human species has been violent for most of its existence. How many times in history class did you study a war or a conflict that somehow ended in a form of resolution or desecration of the people causing the so called “problems”? The answer is often. When we teach our children about human growth we are at the same time teaching them that to get ahead, to succeed you must either surrender to the force or crush the force. Humans have been using violence as a means of fixing problems forever and continue to do it daily.

Our own personal actions are what contributes to the ever growing aggression we see in the world. When someone or some group decides to shoot up a school, bomb a town or stab a person the media decides to plaster their faces across all platforms, continuously talking about the person/people in turn making these horrible people famous for the horrendous crimes they’ve committed. Then we discuss PUBLICLY what to do with this person or people, we must hunt them down, do what they did to us, basically stating that revenge is the only option.

Answer me this, are we not always taught two wrongs don’t make a right? Do we not teach our children not to hit back if they are hit? How do we expect people to believe these things if our actions do not show the very concept of what we are teaching? It seems that we are always looking for someone else to blame. Heaven forbid we actually accept responsibility for our actions and attempt to change. No, that would be too much work, its easier to hate than it is to love. To love, you must set aside all differences, all angst and understand that I am a part of you and you are apart of me. When you do something horrible in a sense every human on the planet has done that same horrible thing and vice versa when you do something kind.

Humans are very contradicting and confusing creatures. If I’m being honest (which I always am) I don’t think we will ever be able to stop the violence we see today. In fact, I see it getting much worse before it gets better. Globally we are facing many problems, scarce resources, poverty, pollution, and overpopulation. These things will most likely cause more violence and hatred among us.

So do me a favour today and spread a little more love than you did yesterday. Remember that YOU are part of the problem but YOU can also be a part of the solution.

Peace and Love
